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Writer's pictureBrenden Roberts

4 Tips to Help Your Business Generate More Clients Using Social Media

Black White Advertising

Black White Advertising Social Media Management Pretoria South Africa

With smartphones glued to hands and eyes focused on screens constantly, there’s no denying that #socialmedia has become a large part of our world. More and more, businesses are relying on social media to market their #brand and catch the attention of new consumers. It can be a powerful tool, but it needs to be utilised correctly. Here are a few ways you can generate more clients through social media.

1. Comment and Connect

Interacting with your #followers and other posts can help you gain #newclients. You should regularly make your posts and interact with others regularly. This can come in the form of commenting on others’ posts. People will notice if you’re active on other profiles and commenting on interesting or funny remarks under the posts you see. This can lead people to your account.

Many #bigbrands are catching on to this concept. You’ll see brands, sports teams, and competing social media sites commenting on random #posts. This expands the pool of people that see your #profile and thus expands your potential client base.

Make sure to also interact with your followers. Respond to #comments, ask questions in the #captions of your post, and overall connect with the people that follow you. This can help you show off the #personalside of your brand, which creates a solid foundation to grow and invites your loyal customers to spread the word about your business.

2. Collaboration

By #collaborating with other users, you #organically grow your customer base. You’re appearing to a whole new pool of followers that may have never heard of you when you collaborate on another page.

If you reach out to someone with drastically more followers than you, you may be denied because the relationship isn’t beneficial for them. Look at other businesses that have around the exact follower count as you. These accounts are ideal collaboration partners. Since they have a similar follower account, you and the other account will benefit from the collab.

Reach out to someone that runs a similar #business or social media page as you. You can either shout each other out in a post or collaborate to make a new piece of #content together. Sites like Instagram even have a collaboration feature where your post will show up on not only your followers’ pages but the person you’re collaborating with followers’ pages as well.

3. Establish Your Audience and Then Expand it

Black White Advertising Social Media Management Pretoria South Africa

When first crafting your social media profiles, establishing a #presence that matches your #audience’s #demographics is essential to gain a base following. However, you can create content that expands to a broader range of people after some time.

Social media offers excellent opportunities for global growth and recognition for brands and #creators. Take advantage of this by appealing to other users outside your immediate circle. This can be as simple as using different #hashtags or making a post saying you ship internationally. Also, try expanding globally if your primary consumer base comes from your native country.

If the content is still aligned with your brand, your original audience will continue to support the posts you make. Only now, you’ll have even more customers flocking to your site because you expanded the type of content you create.

4. Look at Your Analytics

Various social media sites have #analytics features within the #app or through an external app that allows you to see your posts' performance. View your analytics regularly to see when the best time to post is and how each post is compared to the others.

When looking at your analytics, be observant of patterns. What data do you see repeating #positively? Do more of that. Your analytics is a helpful tool if you don't obsess over the results you see. Check it frequently, but not too often to the point of obsession and harsh critique.

Seeing these trends in your analytics can give you a better idea of what posts grab the attention of more comprehensive ranges of people using the social media site.

A Game of Trial and Error

Much of #socialmediamarketing is trying many techniques and seeing which ones stick. Keep experimenting and trying new methods to generate more clients for your business. However, also remember to cater to your #loyalclients. They are the backbone of your business and can make up a ton of your sales.

The Value of Social Media Management

Black White Advertising Social Media Management Pretoria South Africa

To some people and businesses this might seem like a lot of effort and to a degree you'd be right. Growing and maintaining a social media presence is not easy. People are more critical of company social media profiles and are less likely to follow them when compared to personal profiles (based on the value they offer to potential followers). Fortunately there are many #digitaladvertisingagencies, such as #BlackWhiteAdvertising, which understand that applying the above tips require time and consistency to deliver value to your followers.

By Brenden Roberts (Co-founder, Black White Advertising)

@blackwhiteza (Twitter)

@black-white-za (Linkedin)

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